Smooth skin for life

Get rid of the hair fast and easy.
The result is the smooth skin without irritation and no more wasting time on shaving or unpleasant waxing.
Get rid of the hair fast and easy.
The result is the smooth skin without irritation and no more wasting time on shaving or unpleasant waxing.
YOU SHOULD KNOW – Not every laser epilation is effective
Like every procedure, in order to be effective, couple of conditions need to be met:
- You have to be the right candidate for it. Check below to see if you are the right candidate.
- The procedure needs to be performed by experts.
- Experts need to use quality technology.
- There is a schedule that has to be met for every treatment based on the body area we treat.

Not every laser epilation is effective
Like every procedure, in order to be effective, couple of conditions need to be met:
- You have to be the right candidate for it. Check here to see if you are the right candidate.
- The procedure needs to be performed by experts
- Experts need to use quality technology
- There is a schedule that has to be met for every treatment based on the area we treat.

Are you the right candidate?
Do you have the right hair color and skin color?
Hair colors we can treat are: Black, brown, light brown and dark blonde. Hair colors we cannot treat: red, gray and light blond.
We can treat every skin color, but with darker ones we have to be extra careful.
If you are examining yourself right now, the most important thing is to have hair that is at least a bit darker than your skin tone – that means we can treat it.
Now lets check who we can’t treat:
- Women during pregnancy or during breast feeding, people with a history of skin cancer or epilepsy.
- We also cannot treat areas where you have tattoos or areas with specific problems such as herpes or any active infection.
Laser hair removal should be performed by experts
Laser hair removal is a very safe treatment if performed by experts. Also, well trained stuff is more likely to perform efficient and effective treatment. This is why we are investing a lot of time into training our team.
Therapist should always cover your dark spots with white pen and go around your moles whenever is possible. They will always ask you if you feel any heat because there is always a risk of burning. And they will always ask you if you feel at least a bit of pinching sensation because that is how we know we have a successful treatment. If you don’t feel any pinching at all, sorry, but that means we are not destroying any hair.
Therapists should also draw the treatment area before starting the session because this is how they know where to go with the laser and what areas to avoid. If they treat areas where you don’t have hair, they can stimulate the growth of the hair that was never meant to grow.
I guess you are also interested to see what others have to say about our therapists and their experience with us. Please check the Google reviews.

Read here all our Google reviews
Quality technology is crucial to success
Even though the therapist is really important, the equal importance has the laser itself. We know there are a lot of lasers on the market and for the client is really hard to distinguish the good, the bad and the ones in the middle. If we assume they all have really safe cooling mechanism (they don’t though), then the difference comes with the power of the device.
Low powered devices will kill your thick, black hair, but won’t destroy thinner, lighter ones. Now, you might think that’s fine because you have only thick, black hair, but those thick, black hair will become thinner and lighter after few treatments.
During those first few treatments we are also stimulating new hair to grow, so you are left with a lot of hair (just thinner and a bit lighter). Low powered laser can’t destroy that type of hair. This is why you hear a lot of stories of unsuccessful hair removal.
High powered device can destroy even the thinnest and lightest hair (but remember: they have to be darker than your skin tone).
For the sake of comperison:
Low powered devices have 1000-1500w
Middle range ones have 2000-2500w
Primelase HR (our diode laser) has 4800w.

How many treatments you need and how often?
It is needed to absolve 6-8 treatments. That depends on the area you want to treat, whether you are regular with your appointments, your hormonal status and your age.
Usually legs, arms and bikini don’t need more than 6 sessions, but brazilian area and the armpits might need 8.
The thicker, darker and the densier your hair are, the bigger the chance you will need more treatments – that’s the general rule.
The rest of the factors will be explained during consultation.
When it comes to how often the treatment should be done:
The face treatment should be done every 4 weeks. The treatment of the trunk area should be done every 6 weeks. The treatment of legs should be done every 8 weeks.
The intervals between sessions can be prolonged on the later sessions because once your hair is thinner and lighter, it doesn’t grow that much that quickly, and we prefer you to have a bit more hair during your session so we can destroy as much as we can during one appointment.
That is why we will postpone your session if you come to us with just few hair. This is only acceptable during your last session.