How will I feel after my Venus Legacy treatment?
You’ll feel relaxed and perfectly normal. Just like after the massage.
You’ll feel relaxed and perfectly normal. Just like after the massage.
The applicator will slowly get warmer till your skin reaches the needed temperature and stays within that temperature range. But, if you do feel it’s too hot, just let the operator know and they can easily lower the temperature a bit.
Because of the vacuum, you will also feel a gentle suction on your skin, like a very low-power vacuum, as the applicator moves around the area.
It depends on the part of the body that is being treated. From 20 min to 60 minutes.
No, not at all. The feeling is compared to hot stone massage. A lot of patients fall asleep during treatment.
It depends on the problem we are trying to solve. But, most of the times it is between 6 and 10 treatments.
Between 6 and 8 treatments. The only area where there will be needed 8-10 is upper lip.
YES. But, not all lasers can do it. New technology developed by cocoon medical is what makes it possible. With Primelase and Elysion-pro Devices we can do it.